PALM Associates, Inc.
Enterprise software development for AI, Machine Learning, security, communications, and healthcare.
Business Solutions Software
PALM delivers fully compliant and functionally complete solutions to a variety of business problems Areas of expertise include communications, AI/ML, networking and mobile applications.
Health Informatics
HL7, FHIR and interfaces to health sensor systems. Deploy your system on AWS, Google Platform or Azure. PALM delivers a complete spectrum - you select: design concept, development specifications, implementation and deployment.
Machine Learning & Ai
Computer vision, structured data analytics, imagery analysis.
PALM's experience includes expert system development for Fortune 100 customers, imagery analysis, structured and unstructured data analytics in healthcare and networking environments.
Communications and Networking
Comprehensive services
Network component design, developent and implementation. LTE, VoLTE, priority services, 5G networking. Select; Threat Assessment, security policy definition, deployment on LTE networks.